
Posts Tagged ‘Bangalore’

I have spent three afternoons gathering information on the paranormal! Paranormal means something which is beyond normal. Something that defies scientific explanation. What information have I been gathering? Invisible playmates for starters!

I thought it happened only with me. I witnessed this with my elder one.  We had rented a house in Bangalore and the night we moved in I was kept awake with a chant that kept ringing in my ears. I had never heard it in my life. The next morning I hummed the tune to my husband and he said it was the ‘Lingashtakam’. The lingashtakam is a devotional chant sung in praise of Lord Shiva. I wondered why I had heard it all night but dismissed it as the day lay ahead.

On the second day of our stay in the new house, I was busy getting lunch ready. My elder one was just 2 at the time and was playing on his tricycle.  After a while, I noticed that there was no sound from him. That usually meant he was up to some mischief! Slowly, I peeked out of the kitchen door. What I witnessed very much spooked me. ‘Not again’ was my immediate thought. Thankfully, after that day, there were no repeat performances. My son was as normal as any other kid his age. What both of us didn’t like though was going up to the terrace after dark. I would feel really creepy and he would always insist on going back inside the house. We were lucky though to purchase our own apartment while living there. A few days before our housewarming ceremony I went to invite a lady who very recently I had acquainted. As I sat chatting, her husband walked in. After introductions, he asked where we stayed. When he heard where, he immediately shot a glance to his wife. Having sensed something wrong, I inquired.

After much hesitance, the lady told me that on the day of the housewarming ceremony of the rented house that we had occupied, the security guard of that construction fell to his death from the terrace. Unfortunately, they could not go on with the functions. On a later date they had a simple ceremony and had chanted the Lingashtakam as the owners were Lingayats, a sect, who revere Lord Shiva. Needless to say, I was speechless.

After many years, I am again witnessing something similar with the younger one. But now, it does not spook me. Nor do I wonder ‘why us?’. I am sensitive, must get it from my mother’s side of the family. My mother is too, well, so are my kids. Children seem to be more sensitive to paranormal phenomena than most adults. Why?

Join me in my explanation,very soon……from the lotus pond.

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